I love Scuba diving but I did't like snorkeling before.But when I did swim with Sealions, I was getting loving snorkeling too.Actually snorkeling is easiler to get in the water and light, so I undetstand some people really love snorkeling now.
There are some places where Sealions are habited along the West Coast in WA.It's unique in Perth.Becaust male Sealions are around Perth area and females are far north from Perth.It is said that there are many people around Perth and people tried to catch selions before, therefore female selions escaped from Perth Area.
I did snorkeling a lot at Carnac Is. It's small Island and nobady live there.Just Sealions, birds etc.Very beautiful.As I said, Sealions are all males and some baby/yound sealions.They are very friendly and playful.They really look at us and try to chase us.Jamping, disturbing the other, runing.They act variously.They will go to hunting fish around once 3days.Some are sometimes feeling bad and bomitting when they played with us, because probably they just ate a lot of fishes and kept them in stomach.They are reall like cute dogs.After I swim with them, I really miss them.
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