Sunday, 26 May 2013

Last Dinner

I went out for dinner some friends before I left Perth. But one is very special for me.
The life in Perth was not so easy. Once the company I worked had closed down around that time I tried to get PR visa. PR visa cost me a lot and I could not get it. I was really hard to live on at that time and I had serious financial problem. Then I met one family who run the take away shop. They helped me very well. If I could not meet with them, probably I could not live on in Perth.
I argued with them sometimes but I was very happy with them and it's valuable experience for me.
I really appreciate them and now they are like my second family. :)

I had a dinner in North Fremantle. It's quiet and nice place. Unfortunately the day was vegetarian day for some of the members but I was not, so I enjoyed salmon. :)) The desserts with custard were nice too. Really nice dinner for me. Our Hong Kong works joined it too. They were really funny and very fun to see the other parts of character.

I miss them very much!!

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